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Mold components manufacturer improves online experience for design engineers and purchasing departments with interactive features and capabilities.
CINCINNATI and OLDCASTLE, ON , April 7, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- DMS Components has expanded
The Aluminum Monthly Metals Index (MMI) went up by 3.1% this month, as all forms of aluminum jumped this month.
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Historically high prices, increasing demand and production c
Published 20th June, 2019 by Nadine Bloxsome
Continuing its leadership in the growing market for specialised high-performance alloys, Rio Tinto launches Revolution-Al™, a new aluminium alloy developed to make lighter car wheels.
Rio Tinto Aluminium chief executive Alf Barrios sai
Posted By: Jan Larson McLaughlin April 20, 2022
Nearly 1,000 Bowling Green residents piped up with ideas when the city asked for suggestions on how it should spend the remaining $3 million in COVID relief funds.
Residents not only ranked the projects listed in the questionnaire
International Harry Potter Day is May 2, and Potterheads worldwide can’t wait to celebrate the Wizarding World each year. Fans commemorate the magical universe on this day as it marks the anniversary of the Battle of Hogwarts—May 2, 1998—which is also the day that Harry Potter finally de
The Oak Ridge Board of Education has voted to purchase equipment and get grant funding to help students in Oak Ridge schools learn vocational technology skills and build parts for local companies.
The board purchased the new equipment — a water jet cutting system and a Smartshop CNC
We met Brian Jacobsen and his 1969 Chevy Blazer outside the 2020 King of the Hammers race, where he showed us around his rig and explained how he built it exactly the way he wanted it.
Related: Blown Chevy From Fords!
The outline for Brian Jacobsen's dream 1969 Chevy Blazer was si
Short Term Commodity Outlook: Aluminum & Zinc
YIZUMI Die Casting Cell Solutions for Motor housing Industry
GF Casting Solutions Partners up with Open Innovation Platform STARTUP AUTOBAHN Powered by Plug
Teresa Rodriguez and Lori Mecham
Bryan Lords, Mariana Rogel, Jeanette Hollis
Bryan Lords, Paxton Sheppard, Jeanette Hollis
Mayor Richard Datwyler and Dave Swager
Deputy Chase Hansen and Captain Lin Parker
Fire Chief Carl Anderson and Greg Bastien
Jana Day an
New system joins Desktop Metal’s category-leading ExOne S-Max line of industrial sand binder jetting solutions
S-Max Flex leverages the combined technology and application expertise of Desktop Metal and ExOne to offer an affordable, precise, and robust tool for foundries stepping into